Monday, October 25, 2010

My Side Scenery Project

I finished all of my work in class so I started to work on this side project. I felt like making a colorful piece and experiment with the transparency and add abstract pieces to make a landscape. This is just the first part, but I'm going to finish it and upload the final part soon.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kim Possible Trace

This is part two of my Kim Possible trace. This one was fairly easy. It took me no longer than two hours to do.

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Dental Design Mock Ups

Here is a rough draft of ideas I have for the dental class. We had to use two diffirent colors for the clothing and a different design for each side.

My Logo

This logo I designed for my work. I used Pantone colors that match well and I am very content with it!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Jazmin Poster

Here, the objective was to make a poster teaching the meaning of the name Jazmin. It was my first time using the skew and shear tools for the text. For the flowers, I used the distort effect.